Thursday, December 28, 2006

well, Christmas is over and i regret not seeing christmas lights, not getting everything done early so i could enjoy it more, not seeing enough christmas specials, etc, ah well, maybe next year. back to the real world of working and wishing christmas was ahead instead of behind. the new year is upon us, i wonder what it will bring? i wonder who will leave us, and who will join us? i wonder if new year resolutions will last, wishes will come true, people will be happier, more content. i hope for a world of peace, love, understanding, forgivness, togetherness, health, happiness. i hope i have tootie for another year!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

well, it's almost december 22, i can't believe christmas is almost here. hasn't seemed like christmas, i guess because it's been so warm. and i guess that's why i let things go and now i have so much to do, not enough time to do them all, and then i complain about it, but then when it's all over, i am sad, and wish it were all ahead of me again. happens every year, and i always say next year will be different. next year will be the same. that's life. this is the first year i didn't put up any christmas decorations. i love christmas decorations. i haven't seen the lights yet, hope i will, i have been listening to christmas music tho, am looking forward to seeing the little ones open presents.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tonight at work we had a conversation about butt paste! And bag balm, a paste farmers use on cow utters before milking, it is very good for human skin, softens, and helps prevent diaper rash too. Butt paste is sold at Target, very good for incontinent people, babies, etc. Isn't that a funny name? People always laugh at these two things, but hey, if it works, why not? Balm me up scottie!!!! Tootles

Thursday, December 07, 2006

well here is another post, how's my font? i have a lot to learn about the computer world, blogs, etc. my daughter is helping me. Speaking of my daughter I was over there the other day babysitting the beans, when it was time to go, i went to my car and found gallons of oil poured all over it. Apparantly the catapillars across the street, spewed oil everywhere , since i can't smell, i asked my daughter what it was, since if it was gasoline, i might not otta start the engine! anyhow, the next day i went to give the gents a piece of my mind, but they were not there, so i headed off to the car wash and to my surprise after the wash, i realized i left the back window cracked, so all the soapy stuff got all over the back seat! I wanted to give the bill to those fellows, but then realized i threw it away at the car wash! PAWDY???? I do have good luck. Snow is on the ground here, it's freezing out, (I actually have my heat on 69!), and it's still cold in here. Guess this years heating bill will be outa sight. hi ho hi ho it's off to work i go. TWMA

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Today is the first snow of the season, as I was leaving work tonight it was lightly snowing and it made me feel good, Christmas is good, good feelings of happy times gone by, memories and all. I love everything about it, the lights, the crisp air, the music, but especially the memories....I want all my grandbabies to love Christmas and have it be magical for them. To have wonderful memories to cherish and to return to, when they're older and need comfort, it will bring smiles ; Silent Night Holy Night, All is calm, All is bright.