Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Doe - Tah- She is a special one. She rearranges her living room/dining room about every 48 -72 hours! You never know what you will find when she opens her door. It is really quite refreshing. She changes the living room into the dining room, the dining room into a TV room, the computer has had several different sites to live; the TV has been in at least 6 different locations; she has many tables that walk around to find a new spot and function. She has many toys that sprinkle your path into the unknown, thanks to 3 beautiful, happy, charming, active, smart , joyful, tireless, energetic, handsome, boys-(did I mention they were beautiful?) And now she is painting the living room/dining room/play room/puter room. She has a house of many colors. It has purpleish walls, gold walls, blue walls, yellow walls, greenish, brownish walls, Had turquoise walls, now white. And now,a very attractive rust/burnt umber(?) old world south of France/Italy color. Except she has ran out of paint, and has the challenge of matching it to some new paint she must find, a rather daunting task,since this paint has no color number/I.D. on the can it was in(it was acquired with the purchase of this home.) But , I have faith, SHE WILL PREVAIL! So, if you ever visit the MESA TRIBE, you will discover her many talents and charms, to say the least. (Did I mention she is a wonderful mother?)


Massi said...

It would like nice if she could so a sponge affect like with the paint to get that old world style that maybe one would see in Tuscany. It adds dimension and doesn't look flat. Danae is creative and owns her own unique charm. As far as the boys...my handsome nephews they are the best blend of Mig&D. How are you doing Mama? Did you have a nice weekend? It was soooo hot here..ugh...made one tired.

Ronnie said...

wasii, i had a nice weekend, because the week before, was a small vacation for me, but it was hot, and everyone knows how i hate heat!But i think we're in for some for quite a while. Wish we could have spring and fall all the time! How are you and Zeus?????

Na said...

aww, mom you are sweet. thanks for the compliments. i enjoy change. if i had the time and patiene, i would love to do the effect mass was talking about.

Anonymous said...

You rock mom!


Na said...

mom, post new treasure.