Friday, November 24, 2006

Well today i am baking pies and things for our celebration at Etar's tomorrow, I have been havinag mishaps in the kitchen, namely, burning up pots! I put some soup on to heat, forgot about it, burned it all up, pan and all, house filled with smoke, it was awful, choking on the fumes and opening windows to air it out all day long. I was told that my clothes smelled like burnt pan! Then a couple of days later, I did the same thing with another pan, burned the whole thing up, that's 2 pans down the drain, no smoke everywhere tho, i thought i had turned the burner off, but i didn't! Needless to say my smoke detectors are not working, and being that i can't smell, it could be a very dangerous thing. Any way, i am using my timer every time i use the stove to remind me ! Pawdy? Beautiful day again, 60 degrees the next week or so.

1 comment:

Na said...

im so thankful the sun is out. well just get your smoke alarms working again and u'll be good to go.

maybe they need new batteries.