Sunday, July 02, 2006

It's Sunday again, nice calm quiet morning. I thought I would water my flowers, since it was scorching yesterday and I forgot. So I get ready to go outside, slide my foot in my shoe and felt a wet slimy present from my cat, yes she barfed in my shoe ! I have never experienced that in life, saw it it scenes on tv, movies, but now i can say I have had the experience! Thank you TOOTIE! Waiting for laundry to get done, and deciding when to shower, not looking forward to going into work this afternoon. Thinking about the 4th and wondering if anyone is going to celebrate, half of me wants to, the other wants to hang out on my couch/bed and while the hours away. It's going to be 90 today (hate that)that means hot at work, as the AC never quite works right. Thinking about my sister Linda who might be christened into the Catholic Church today, except she came over at midnight last night and said she has nothing to wear. Except this Eastern type of Catholic Church calls it something else, besides christened, can't think of the word. I wonder if she did it? Something inside me doesn't want her to. But Father Sid is putting the pressure on, little does he know that even if she does, she wants to go to other churches too, closer to her home ! She is quite unique. My dinger is dinging, the eggs are done for my tuna and or egg salad. Lori is having Spencer's 2nd b d party today, I have tons of housework to do, and I hear Tootie wretching, so off I go on a Puke mission. Such is the everyday life of ME Toodles !


Na said...

hey mom, tootie's classic for puking in your shoe. spencer is so big and has long hair! gorsh. jonah went with me while the rest of the clan stayed home. he had fun. and was an angel. i didnt know linda was going to get initiated or whatever you call it. she didnt tell me that. interesting. well, i hope it goes well whatever she decides. whatever happens, im glad she has faith in Christ. i wonder if she will ever go to grace and peace. it's so local.

anyhoo. hope your work is going well. you're at work now, it's 9"40 here. it was a muggy day. carla rode with me and bonie and she took menace..the 2 year old. also, dante was there at the party. lori was awesome. she did spencers song that she played at her 1 yr party. lori is the best. i should make a documentary on her.

Massi said... are cute! Better you than me on the puke. Ugh! I'm not used to having pets. I've seen cats puke and eat it up. Now that is nasty. Nathan's Birthday just past..31 years? I remember days at the catholic church. All mysterious and proper everything was. I never heard them talk about salvation. Christ to me was just some ordinary man with no purpose in life. Sorry Lord! We did all these rosaries, I had to memorize prayers like the apostles creed, and some others. they even named me an theresa the little flower. That was my angel they said. weird.